"No authority exists except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1)
That includes our "friend", Mr. Ahmadinejad. We must keep our eyes on this man and his country. As they move ever closer to the possession of nuclear weaponry, our world edges closer and closer to Armageddon and the return of Christ.
Here's what may happen:
1. After years of this fiasco in Iraq, America will be in no mood to confront this man once they have a Democrat in the White House next year. That will leave few countries to oppose him.
2. Once acquired, the nuclear weapons will give Iran an opportunity to hold the Middle East and its oil hostage. They will set the world's economic agenda. It may be very hard to buy or sell without compliance to the regime.
3. Ahmadinejad has publicly supported the Islamic Jihad and the destruction of Israel. He has also spoken of his desire to dominate Europe.
4. European leaders will negotiate with this man. Islam will be given greater power than it has ever known. Ahmadinejad will strike a treaty with Israel, which he will hold for 3.5 years. Then he will break the treaty, and seek to dominate everything. Just look in this man's eyes. He's insane! I can see this man insisting that he be worshipped as God somewhere down the road.
But we'll see. I could be dead wrong. But, oh I hope I'm right. Because I am longing for the Rapture and the Millennial Rule of Christ.